First Class PDM + PLM
PDM - From inventing to improving.
GAIN has you covered.
Das Wichtigste in Kürze:
GAIN Collaboration - Produktdatenmanagement
- Hochflexibles PDM-System
- Ideal für Konstruktion und Fertigung
- Verwaltung des gesamtem Lebenszyklus
- Schnittstellen zu allen wichtigen CAD-und ERP-Systemen
- Schnittstellen zu allen wichtigen Office-Programmen
- Ermöglicht individuelle Strukturierung
- Individuell erweiterbar
- Exzellentes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
GAIN Collaboration - PDM-System und PLM-Single Source of Truth
Professional and future-proof product data management.
GAIN Collaboration is a unique PDM-ECO system which, in combination with all leading CAD, CAM, CAE and ERP systems as well as Office, creates a completely customized system landscape and brings teams together across departments. In a PLM context, GC forms the single source of truth for all product data and guarantees up-to-dateness and interactivity - from development and design to production, marketing, sales and aftersales. GAIN Collaboration merges with your program interfaces and can be used multilingually across national borders.
Less searching, more time. Less costs, more turnover.
Mit GAIN Collaboration PDM zentralisieren Sie Ihre Daten-Grundlage.
Sie beschleunigen die Entwicklung, die Fertigung und die Markteinführung neuer Produkte und überwinden klassische Hürden einer komplexen Datenwelt.
Cross-site multi-CAD control: The time savings made possible by a good PDM system mean a very fast ROI. Thanks to ISO-compliant processes, we can offer our GAIN Collaboration PDM solution at an unbeatable price/performance ratio. For this reason, it is also worth switching from other systems at any time.
GAIN Collaboration meets the highest demands for practically any product data landscape. Thanks to specialized variants and a large number of first-class add-ons, GAIN Collaboration grows with the requirements of your industry and is suitable for companies of any size, from SMEs to large corporations. With all essential tools and functionalities for unlimited professional product data management as well as a constantly growing number of GC add-ons, you can expand your system individually and future-proof. In cooperation with an ERP system for merchandise management, Collaboration allows you to conveniently manage all product life cycles of your entire product portfolio.
Open for all CAD, CAM, CAE and ERP systems as well as for MS Office: Thanks to first-class interfaces, GAIN Collaboration communicates with all common applications - far beyond the conventional standard.
From approval workflows to complex process chains at the touch of a button: complex tasks with computing-intensive processes can be outsourced to dedicated servers to reduce the load on work computers and, above all, avoid blocking them.
Entire process chains can be conveniently automated. Even complex rule systems can be easily mapped in the graphical editor and enable the definition of consistent workflows across all departmental boundaries.
Die Oberflächen und die Terminologie sind selbstverständlich konfigurierbar: Das bedeutet, dass Sie und Ihre Teams nur das sehen, was wirklich relevant ist. Dank des integrierten Wörterbuches ist eine konsistente Terminologie auch beim Anlegen neuer Merkmale stets gewährleistet.
There are practically no restrictions when it comes to structuring your data: GAIN Collaboration supports any individual structure, from the structure of your products and projects to the mapping of your own classification system.
Industry-oriented variants and extensions: GAIN Collaboration offers numerous add-ons that make the entire system even more powerful. If your product data management requirements grow, these add-ons can be easily added at any time and the entire system expanded in a targeted manner.
Thanks to reliable data migration: GAIN Collaboration imports your data and files fully automatically on the basis of coordinated sets of rules. All features and essential properties are transferred and stored according to your requirements.
GAIN Collaboration saves time and costs: A PDM system pays for itself after a relatively short time, as rework due to errors or searches is significantly reduced. Reliable information and always up-to-date files form the basis for a single point of truth in any PLM context.
Konfigurierbare Oberflächen und Terminologie: Unser Team legt höchsten Wert auf Usability. So einfach wie möglich, gerade so komplex, wie nötig. Und Sie sind nicht allein: Wir begleiten Sie von der Auswahl der richtigen Systemkomponenten über die Migration Ihrer Daten bis zur Schulung Ihres Teams.
Mit einem 15-köpfigen Kernteam und einem weltweiten Expertennetzwerk begleitet GAIN seine Kunden von der Beratung über die Auswahl bis zu Schulungen und gestaltet das Wachstum Ihrer Produktdatenwelt als Partner mit. Unaufdringlich, aber immer mit Expertise für Sie da.
Data integrity
Price - / Performance
Seamless integration into your creativity.
Interfaces to all common CAD / CAM / CAE / ERP systems and MS Office.
Find any information you are looking for quickly and accurately. No matter where you are searching from. Consolidate data from different systems across departments. Enable end-to-end processes and create the basis for product lifecycle management.
Construction data | Drawings | Master data | Parts lists | Technical documentation | Machine data | Communication

AutoCAD Mechanical
Autodesk Inventor
SolidWorks Composer
EPLAN Electric P8
WPS Office
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Excel
Kunden im Fokus: Starke Vorteile gegenüber vergleichbaren Systemen
Eines der flexibelsten Systeme am Markt - Und damit perfekt auf Sie zugeschnitten.
Manchmal ist nicht es nicht allein der Preis, der entscheidet: Wir haben bei der Konzeption von GAIN Collaboration auf die Anforderungen unserer Kunden gehört und können gegenüber vergleichbaren Systemen mit zahlreichen praxisnahen Vorzügen punkten.
Für Anwender
Benutzeroberfläche - Dynamische Ansicht vs. statische Ansicht
GAIN Collaboration
Oberflächen, Masken, Ansichtsbereiche und Terminologie sind nach individuellen Best Practises anpassbar.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Vorwiegend statische Ansichten, wodurch eine eigene Arbeitsweise oftmals angepasst werden muss..
Dateiverwaltung - Individuelle Strukturen vs. vorgegebene Strukturen
GAIN Collaboration
Unterstützt individuelle Produktwelten: Über eigene Suchordner, Projektstrukturen, Produktstrukturen, Klassifizierungen.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Strukturen in etwa vergleichbar mit dem Windows Explorer, daher sehr statische Ablage von Konstruktionsdatein.
Einbindung von Viewern - Viewer der Wahl vs. Viewer des Anbieters
GAIN Collaboration
Jeder gängige CAD-Viewer zum Betrachten Ihrer Konstruktionsdaten ist nahtlos in GAIN Collaboration integrierbar.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Beschränkt auf Produkte des jeweiligen Herstellers, wie zum Beispiel auf Autodesk-Produkte und 3D-PDF.
Versionierung - Ausschließlich Revision vs. Version und Revision
GAIN Collaboration
Transparentes Datei-Handling: Bearbeitete Dateien werden ausschließlich als Revision behandelt, wodurch Fehler durch Verwechslungen minimiert werden.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Größere Fehleranfälligkeit durch verwirrende Unterscheidung zwischen Version und Revision.
Suchfunktionen - Konfigurierbare Suchfunktionen vs. vorgegebene Suchschemata
GAIN Collaboration
Individualisierte Suchmasken beschleunigen den Workflow: Komfortable Suchfunktionen über Mehrfachsuchen, dedizierte Suchmasken und frei definierbare Terminologie von Merkmalen.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Vorgegebenes Suchschemata erfordern erhöhten Zeitaufwand und erzwingen eine Anpassung der eigenen Arbeitsweise.
Workflows – Prozesse / ECO - Individuell anpassbar vs. vorgegebener ECO
GAIN Collaboration
Sämtliche Workflows sind individuell an die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens und Ihrer Produkte anpassbar.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Vorgegebene ECO erfordern eine unternehmensweite Anpassung von Arbeitsweisen an die Bedingungen des jeweiligen Systems.
Für Tool Owner
Zusammenarbeit - Persönlicher Kontakt vs. Kontakt über Dienstleister
GAIN Collaboration
Mit GAIN Software bekommen Sie einen Partner, der seit über 40 Jahren seine Kunden persönlich betreut. Im direkten Kontakt ermöglichen wir kundenspezifische Anpassungen und Entwicklungen. Unsere Spezialisten agieren proaktiv aber unaufdringlich, um Ihnen zu jeder Zeit ein PDM-System nach Maß bereitzustellen.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Oftmals werden vergleichbare Systeme von weltweit agierenden Konzernen vertrieben, wodurch Kontakt meist über Partner stattfindet, welche wenig bis gar keinen Einfluss auf neue Themen und Entwicklungen haben.
Standorte Entwicklung - Inland vs. Ausland
GAIN Collaboration
Die Software-Systeme der GAIN GmbH werden zentralisiert in Deutschland entwickelt. Dies ermöglicht hoch standardisierte Prozesse in der Software-Entwicklung und führt in Summe über einen effizienten Einsatz unserer Ressourcen zu einem ausgezeichneten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Weltweit verteilte Entwicklungsteams bergen zahlreiche Hürden und Risiken bei der Umsetzung und der Einhaltung einheitlicher Standards. Dies KANN zu technischen Problemen und Einschränkungen führen.
Lizenzen 1 - Kaufen oder Mieten vs. Mieten
GAIN Collaboration
Die Systeme von GAIN stehen sowohl als Kauf- als auch als Miet-Modell zur Verfügung.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Vergleichbare Systeme sind in der Regel ausschlie0lich als Mietmodell verfügbar.
Lizenzen 2 - Floating License vs. named License
GAIN Collaboration
Sogenannte Floating-Lizenzen können innerhalb Ihres Teams weitergereicht werden.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Named-Licenses hingegen sind strikt an die jeweiligen User gebunden.
Update-Kompatibilität - Versionsunabhängig vs. versionsabhängig
GAIN Collaboration
GAIN Collaboration kann jederzeit unabhängig vom Versionsstand der verwendeten CAD-Systeme upgedatet werden. Dies ist längst nicht selbstverständlich und birgt Freiheit bei der Entscheidung über neue Funktionen innerhalb der zusammenspielenden Systeme.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Oftmals sind vergleichbare PDM-Systeme an den Versionsstand der verwendeten CAD-Systeme gebunden. Dies bedeutet, das ein Update im einen System ein Update im anderen System erfordert. Die ist im besten Fall administrativer Aufwand, im schlechtesten Fall bedeutet diese Abhängigkeit deutlich erhöhte Kosten über die Zeit.
Für Admins
Sicherung und Backups - Client-Server Architektur vs. schwer zugängliche Ordnerstruktur
GAIN Collaboration
GAIN Collaboration bietet eine hohe Ausfallsicherheit durch die flexible Client-Server-Architektur in Kombination mit der flexiblen Strukturierung der Daten- und Dateiverwaltung. Hierdurch kann GAIN Collaboration schnell und unkompliziert in das firmeneigene Backup-System integriert werden.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Vergleichbare Systeme beherbergen ein integriertes Backup-System, wobei Dateien und Daten in schwer zugänglichen Ordnerstrukturen verborgen sind. Hierdurch können Restores von einzelnen Dateien maßgeblich erschwert werden.
Updates - Zu jeder Zeit vs. nur bei vollständiger Neuninstallation
GAIN Collaboration
Verfügbare Updates können zu jeder Zeit heruntergeladen und installiert werden (Wartungsvertrag vorausgesetzt).
Vergleichbare Systeme
Vergleichbare Systeme erfordern oftmals ganze Neuinstallationen und machen- je nach System -zusätzlichen, möglicherweise kostenpflichtigen, Dienstleistungsaufwand erforderlich.
Erweiterungen - C-Sharp, offene API vs. kostenpflichtige Modularisierung
GAIN Collaboration
Dank offener API sind eigene Anpassungen über C-Sharp möglich.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Erweiterung sind über kostenpflichtige Module von Partnern möglich, wobei in der Regel noch Consulting-Dienstleistungen eingepreist werden. Beim Wechsel eines Partners stellt sich zudem die Frage einer nachhaltigen Kompatibilität.
Support - Direkt durch GAIN vs. ausschließlich über Dritte
GAIN Collaboration
Mit GAIN erhalten Sie direkten Kontakt zu unserem Support und werden von unseren eigenen Produktspezialisten betreut.
Vergleichbare Systeme
Der Support wird oftmals über Partner abgewickelt, was in der Praxis problematisch sein kann, da diese nicht Teil des Kernteams sind und ggf. auch weitere Systeme in ihrem jeweiligen Dienstleitungsportfolio betreuen müssen.
Configurable user interface
Whether light or dark - we set everything up for you so that you only see what really interests you.

Single Source of Truth - GAIN your PLM
Central repository - the only way product lifecycle management works.
A single source of truth is the philosophy of providing a centralized point of reference for all information and data from as many source systems as possible for the entire organization. In this context, GAIN Collaboration becomes the single source of truth, with a focus on the accuracy and timeliness of all information. And not just for CAD files and their accompanying documentation, but for every file from Office documents to digital personnel files.
Every location, every department, every team and, if required, every external service provider is given rule-based access to the PDM system. This set of rules ensures that only what should be seen is seen. GAIN Collaboration provides specialized state-of-the-art functionalities for each user group in order to automate workflows, such as approval processes, and entire process chains consistently across all instances involved.
The GAIN Software team supports customers from the initial consolidation of their data to the routine recording and control of new information from their day-to-day business. This process is methodically and technically complex, and is implemented with over 40 years of expertise to ensure complete customer satisfaction. The result is obvious: there is only one correct answer to the question of the correct file in its current released state.
Top performance companies do not only use PDM systems in design.
Instead of thinking in terms of self-sufficient departments: channel information all the way to the customer.
Studies have shown that successful companies network all departments via a single source of truth. Of course, this also makes sense: only when product lifecycle management is practiced as a concept throughout the entire company can you overcome departmental walls, create end-to-end processes and sustainably improve your value chain. Central access through centralized storage of your data is of central importance here.
Why a PDM system at all? And for which files?
In short: for all files. The decisive factor here is not the size of a company.
The four most frequently mentioned hurdles that good PDM software can help to overcome in the long term:
Professional product data management - Why GAIN Collaboration?
Future-proof for your product data: Store once, find forever.
- Bidirectional communication to all common CAD, ERP and Office-based system landscapes.
- Direct integration of the most important functions into the interfaces of the connected systems.
- 100% data integrity of all metadata for parts lists and external references as well as for NC and master data.
- Compatible with all common document formats and file types such as dwg and dxf as well as Step.
- Extensive support for specific project formats such as Eplan, InventorCAM and SolidCAM projects.
- Extensive export and reporting system.
- Number generator enables customized classifications and document keys.
- Optimized workflows through extensive automation of entire process chains.
- Unternehmensspezifische Workflows und Freigabe-Mechanismen zur Unterstützung des Qualitätsmanagements.
- Consistent processes thanks to universal access via web viewer.
- Free defining of component features and product information
- Convenient revision and change management across all systems.
- Maximum data security and ISO-compliant access management.
- Display of all referencing across all assemblies and parts lists.
- High-performance system performance thanks to state-of-the-art technologies.
- Time never stands still: all technologies and interfaces are constantly being updated.
- Further interfaces can be provided individually.
No matter how complex your product data landscape is: Always the right file - directly via your familiar working environment. Access your files directly via your primary software. GAIN Collaboration provides essential functions in your familiar program interface and merges under the hood with all connected CAD, CAE, CAM, ERP and Office systems.
Thanks to first-class interfaces, GAIN Collaboration integrates seamlessly into your CAD and CAM environment. Workflows, nomenclature and number generators are just as customizable as company roles and access rights. Our team is always on hand to assist you with the migration of data and files.
Cross-location product lifecycle management requires a reliable and future-oriented product database. GAIN Collaboration enables end-to-end processes and workflows and thus makes an important contribution to digital transformation and Industry 4.0 in companies of all sizes.
The customizable structuring options, the convenient filter mechanisms and the sophisticated search masks naturally have a positive effect on the efficiency of your teams. What's more, a properly set up system is easy on your nerves.
Die erhöhte Effizienz Ihrer Teams und die Reduzierung der Fehleranfälligkeit bei der Auswahl der richtigen Datei erhöhen schlussendlich die Qualität Ihres Ergebnisses. Und eine höhere Qualität bedeutet schlussendlich immer eine höhere Kundezufriedenheit.
The lower the susceptibility to errors when selecting the right file, the higher the quality of the result. And ultimately, higher quality always means higher customer satisfaction.
Interfaces are extensively customizable, operation is quick and intuitive to learn, drag and drop import included.
The security of your data is paramount. Nevertheless, it must be possible to find it quickly and accurately. The high-performance technology behind GAIN Collaboration ensures that you will continue to benefit from the use of your system in the future.
We ensure the quality of our software internally by continuously improving our processes - this results in optimum development conditions, which we pass on to our customers in the form of excellent offers.
Combine GAIN Collaboration with these established 2D and 3D tools.
Clearly structured areas on all interfaces with full control using just a few tools. You always have an overview of all important information thanks to easy-to-understand icons and consistent terminology.
Quality management in accordance with DIN ISO : 9001. Revisions and approval processes can be carried out individually for individual documents as well as for entire technical documentation. Any changes can therefore be tracked at any time and revision statuses can be restored via the change history.
Summarized, modular and structured parts lists. GAIN Collaboration automatically imports parts lists from CAD systems and enables them to be displayed as a summarized parts list. Parts lists can be filtered and exported automatically if required, for example to update the master data of an item in an ERP system when the status changes.
Set and forget. Entire process chains can be conveniently automated. Even complex rule systems can be easily mapped in the editor and enable the definition of consistent workflows across all departmental boundaries.
Your system counts. The number generator integrated in GAIN Collaboration ensures the uniqueness of filed documents. Do you have special requirements regarding the type and method of indexing? GAIN Collaboration also shines here with a great deal of flexibility.
Can also be used as an editorial system. Use GAIN Collaboration as a fully-fledged document management system so that you always have your technical documentation to hand for the corresponding components and products. Documentation can be collated automatically.
You only see what you really need. GAIN Collaboration can be individually configured using graphical menus: Windows, input masks, filters, property matching, toolboxes, menus, search masks, status management, license and update management, folder structures and much more.
Every change is traceable. GAIN Collaboration logs every time a file or document is edited in the history entry. Thanks to this process control, you always know where a document comes from, where it was copied to and who edited it and when.
Consistent terminology. In order to find data via a classification system, standardized terms and characteristics must be used. GAIN Collaboration suggests standard terms already in use in a selection dialog. These can be defined as standard terminology if desired. GAIN Collaboration can translate the standardized terminology into different languages using an integrated dictionary.
Real-time synchronization of all information. Who has which document or which file in which status: GAIN Collaboration provides real-time information on the status of processing and release and provides information in a matrix on the use in parts lists, assemblies and referencing.
Use and referencing in assemblies. GAIN Collaboration shows exactly which component or article is used or referenced in which product or assembly groups and even projects. This means that all elements affected by a change are known at all times.
Depending on your preference, it can be more relaxing to look at dark surfaces, especially during long meetings. In GAIN Collaboration, you can easily choose between light and dark surfaces.
Perfect interaction with CAx systems. To ensure that files are protected at all times, GAIN Collaboration works according to the check-in / check-out procedure. The document is loaded onto a workstation for processing, after which GAIN Collaboration transfers the file back to the archive. Direct access to archived documents is only possible via GAIN Collaboration.
Access management via company roles. Who can access which file or document from where and in which status, who can complete approval processes. Access rights can be controlled quickly and easily via user management.
GAIN Collaboration offers countless detailed solutions, the listing of which would go beyond any scope here. Simply contact us, a presentation says more than 1000 words.
Products and modules
GAIN Collaboration grows with your company.
GAIN Collaboration is customized. Only what you really need. Choose the right version for every workplace and add powerful functionalities to GAIN Collaboration.

For editing your CAD and Office files.
> Office
If CAD does not play a role for individual workstations.
> Viewer
When primarily viewed or printed.
LOCATION networks your company. Perhaps your factory is located in a neighboring country? Network specific locations, divisions and even suppliers.
JOBSERVER for full continuity of processes - without blocking workstations. Complex standard macros and updating of metadata through all files, with all processes being outsourced to dedicated computers. This means that standalone computers always remain fully operational for daily tasks. The result: time savings and even faster ROI.
PLOTMANAGER controls complex printing requirements, individually for each object and each plotter.
Time-intensive processes are outsourced to dedicated servers so as not to block local workstations.
IMPEX exports your files for processing in your partners' CAD systems - something that is by no means a matter of course. Files edited by suppliers or external designers can then be re-imported into Collaboration. The CAD systems must be identical.
REPORT exports your parts lists for editing in the appropriate Excel template or as a PDF.
ENF is the module for the export of neutral formats. It exports the neutral formats defined for different document types on the basis of predefined configurations. The module also offers extensive customization options through automation and workflows.
Classification makes it possible to structure product data according to your own classification system. This can save an immense amount of time, as a synchronous structure can be created for suppliers or end customers.
BARCODE enables product information and metadata to be captured using a barcode scanner.
TASKS is a simple but highly efficient extension for GAIN Collaboration that can be used to plan and control tasks for dedicated components or entire assemblies. Service teams also have the option of creating timesheets for field work.
Modules specially designed for Inventor
INVENTOR LINKS removes orphaned links from Inventor documents. Autodesk Inventor data may contain design-related links or OLE links to other files. These are non-CAD files such as images, PDF or other neutral files. It is now possible that such links are moved or even deleted consciously or unconsciously in the course of everyday design work or over the years.
Hands on: GC Inventor Tools
INVENTOR TEXT saves you a lot of time by updating title blocks in drawings across all files. This also includes worksheet formats, margins, sketch symbols and much more. In contrast to similar tools, this module also works in batch mode: the title blocks of an entire batch of Inventor drawings can be adapted in one go. The values (iProperties) in the drawings naturally remain unchanged.
Would you like to find out more, do you have any questions or suggestions?
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Ihr GAIN-Team.
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