First Class CAx

CP-Symbols: Norm-kompatibel.

Diese 2D-CAD-Bibliotheken beschleunigen Ihren Workflow.


High-quality symbol libraries for every CAD application.

Don't waste any more time creating your own blocks in CAD. These professional symbol libraries are created according to German and international standards. Intelligent insertion of symbols, automatic creation of parts lists are just some of the advantages of this program.

Professional symbol libraries, created according to German and international standards.


What are CP symbol libraries?

These building blocks, which are standardized according to German and international standards, help you to reduce the time and effort involved in construction immensely. You can always be sure that you are working with universally valid conventions and can rely on a comprehensive understanding when interpreting your drawings.


CP-Symbols Suite - cheaper in a package

The CP-Symbols Suite includes all 4 modules for half the price.

Get your work done much faster with the largest library of symbols and objects and many available functions of the CP-Symbols Suite.


Each series

 Library Openings with the most important building elements (windows, doors) for project planning in floor plan and façade.
 Library furniture, furnishings with basic elements for furnishing planning, including furniture, household appliances, openings.
 Symbols and labeling librarywith the most important labeling symbols for architectural drawings, e.g. for room definition and window and door labeling.
 Library of BKS symbols with symbols for the creation of rescue plans and symbols for BKS (fire protection, disaster control and safety).
 Library of organization charts and block diagrams with symbols for creating organization charts and block diagrams for various industries.


sets itself up

 Library IEC, NFPA with standard symbols according to EN 60617 and NFPA 79.
 Library floor plan with standard symbols for electrical installations in architectural floor plans.
 Library scheme with symbols for the creation of electrical schemes.
 Library light with a basic selection of luminaires.
 Library of organization charts and block diagrams with symbols for creating organization charts and block diagrams for various industries.


from 5 libraries

 Library Standard parts with the most important elements from national and international standards, e.g. screws, nuts, wedges, bearings and others.
 Library of steel profiles with the most important steel profiles for construction, e.g. angle profiles, U-profiles, T-profiles and others.
 Symbols and labels library with standard symbols for labels in mechanical drawings.
 Hydraulics and pneumatics library with standard symbols for creating circuit diagrams for hydraulics and pneumatics.
 Library of organization charts and block diagrams with symbols for creating organization charts and block diagrams for various industries.

HVAC & Piping


 Library of basic symbols with the most important symbols for heating, water, sewage, fire extinguishing and technological installations.
 Library of industrial symbols with the most important symbols for use in installation diagrams for industrial plants.
 Library Radiator, Objects with a basic selection of radiator symbols.
 Ventilation library with basic symbols for use in ventilation and air conditioning installations.
 Library of organization charts and block diagrams with symbols for creating organization charts and block diagrams for various industries.

The CP Symbols modules also contain the following general functions:

 Line (cables)

The function allows drawing single-line lines in a schematic view.
 Sheet frames and plan heads
The command contains a library of standard sheet frames and title blocks.
The command is used to edit the attributes of one or more symbols.
 Parts lists
Used to create parts lists of elements used in the project.

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