First Class CAx

CADbro - 3D Viewer

3D collaboration platform for real-time collaboration.

First Class CAx

CADbro - 3D Viewer

3D collaboration platform for real-time collaboration.

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CADbro - 3D Viewer

3D collaboration platform for real-time collaboration.

CADbro is a 3D collaboration platform that enables real-time collaboration in a 3D CAD model. You can easily view, annotate and analyze 3D models without expensive 3D CAD licenses. Thanks to the cloud connection, you can manage projects and collaborate with your team at any time, on any device and from anywhere.

CADbro is a versatile and affordable 3D CAD viewer for viewing, dimensioning and analyzing.

One tool - countless possible uses





Product development


Quality control


Sales and marketing


Real-time collaboration from anywhere

CADbro is a 3D collaboration platform that enables real-time collaboration in a 3D CAD model.
You can easily view, annotate and analyze 3D models without expensive 3D CAD licenses.
Thanks to the cloud connection, you can manage projects and collaborate with your team anytime, anywhere and from any device.

CADbro Cloud

With CADbro Cloud, you can manage and share 3D files and collaborate with your team in real time. You can view, manage and share 3D files anytime, anywhere and on any device. Collaborate with your project members in real time by holding online meetings, sharing views and adding dimensions.

Intelligent CAD display

CADbro supports over 25 different file formats and allows uncomplicated access to 2D and 3D models and drawings without the need to purchase expensive CAD licenses.

3D labeling

Easily add 3D annotations for a better understanding of models and details. Create geometry features automatically or easily add dimensions, tolerances, symbols, and text to the model.

Advanced analysis functions

With the wide range of query and analysis tools, you can check and evaluate the manufacturability of products and assemblies at an early stage of product development in order to reduce rework and save costs.

CADbro Cloud

Online 3D view

View and manage your 3D files anytime, anywhere on any device.

Sharing 3D data

3D files with your project members in HTML format and with high security.

Collaboration in real time

Collaborate with project members on 3D CAD data in real time, e.g. through online meetings and sharing views.


Supports more than 25 formats

Access to 2D and 3D CAD files in various formats without expensive CAD licenses.

Export 2D and 3D files

Export standard files from third-party providers as well as 3D PDF, HTML and image files.

Dynamic cut

View different sections of 3D models dynamically and generate the section curves.


Simple dimensioning

Direct creation of dimensions, mechanical symbols, texts, etc. for the imported 3D models.

Smart dimensioning

Intelligently measure different geometric objects with a single command.

Intuitive comments

Comments, changes and stamps can be entered intuitively using the annotation functions.



Check the physical properties, such as volume, surface area, weight, center of gravity, etc.

Analysis of the design

Support your design by checking draft angles/wall thicknesses, detecting undercuts, calculating the project area, etc.

Analysis of the assembly design

Ensure assembly quality with reliable analysis tools and create flow charts or quotation documents.

Translator (Open)
ACIS File (sat, sab, asat, asab)
CADbro®/ZW3D® File (Z3D, Z3, VX, Z3PRT, Z3DRW)
CATIA® V4, V5 File (model, exp, session, CATPart, CATProduct)
CATIA® V5 Drawing File (CATDrawing)
Creo®/ProE® File (prt, asm)
DWG/DXF File (dwg, dxf)
Graphic Format File (cgr, xcgm, 3dxml)
IGES, STEP, VDA, STL, VRML File (igs, iges, step, stp, vda, stl, wrl)
Inventor® File (ipt, iam)
JT File (*extra charge)
NX® File (prt)
Parasolid® File (x_t, x_b, xmt_txt, xmt_bin)
PARTsolutions® 3D File (ps3)
Solid Edge® File (par, asm, psm)
SolidWorks® Drawing File (slddrw)
SolidWorks® File (sldprt, sldasm)
STEP242 Compress File (stpz)
Translator (Save as)
ACIS File (sat, sab)
CADbro®/ZW3D® File (Z3D, Z3)
CATIA® V4, V5 File (model, CATpart, CATProduct)
DWG/DXF File (dwg, dxf)
Graphic Format File (cgr, xcgm, 3dxml)
IGES, STEP, VDA, STL, VRML File (igs, iges, step, stp, vda, stl, wrl)
Image File (bmp, gif, png, jpg, tif)
JT File (*extra charge)
OBJ File (obj)
Parasolid® File (x_t, x_b)
Webview File (html, htm)
Main Modules
View (View Angle, Zoom, Visibility Control, Display, Screen, Windows, Rotation)
Selection (Pick Control, Pick Rule, Pick Scope)
Tools (Dimension, Curve Drawing, Attributes, Dynamic Section View, Capture, Assist Tools)
Analyze (Measure, Inspect Entity, Inspect Model)
PMI (3D Dimension, 3D Annotation, Text)
Healing (Checking, Healing Tools)
Edit (Direct Edit, Shape Transform, Part Transform)
Pro Functions
Assembly (Interference/Clearance Checking, Compare Parts, Exploded View, Exploded View Video, 3D BOM)
Mold (Draft Checking, Project Sihouette, Thickness, Align, Shrinkage, Color Region, Undercut, Height Analysis)
2D Drawing
Auto Layout, Standard/Projection/Auxiliary/Full Section/Detail/Crop View, Dimension, Drawing, Inquire
Upload File, Configuration File
Manage File, Create and Share File Link/QR Code, File Version Revision, Recover Delete File
Collaboration (Team&Project Management, Create, Pause, Leave Collaboration, Part State Share, Online Chat, Playback)

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